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Toplevel blocks

The top-level blocks are container components responsible for compiling smart contracts, values, and types to Michelson and SmartPy.

Toplevel toolbox button

Contract compilation

The contract compilation block contains the contract specification, comprising the following components:

  • storage type
  • initial storage
  • entry points
  • on-chain views
Contract compilation

Contract Entrypoint

Entry points are similar to public methods of a class in Java. In this case, entry points are methods that can be called in a Tezos transaction. They accept an argument, can modify the contract storage, and can also emit operations (like calling other contracts, delegating staking power, and originating new contracts).

Contract entrypoint

Value compilation

The value compilation blocks compile Value Blocks to their Michelson representations. Useful to build the argument value of an entry point, prepare values to be packed, etc.

Value compilation

Type compilation

The type compilation blocks compile Type Blocks to their Michelson representations. It can be used to build the type associated with a given value to be packed, etc.

Type compilation